Henrike Lähnemann’s Inaugural Lecture 21/1/16

If you find yourself in Oxford before the conference, Professor Henrike Lähnemann will be giving her inaugural address as Chair in Medieval German, the first woman to hold the post.


Prof Lähnemann has kindly agreed to chair our panel on “The Role of Anthologies”, and has extended an invitation to all conference delegates to attend her event tomorrow evening:

All participants at the conference ‘Women and the Canon’ are warmly invited to Henrike Lähnemann’s Inaugural Lecture. It will take place on 21 January 2016, 5pm, in the Lecture Theatre of the Taylor Institution, followed by a wine reception, 6pm. The title of the lecture is “The Materiality of Medieval Manuscripts”. The focus of the lecture will be an illuminated and glossed Psalter from the Cistercian abbey of Medingen. The manuscript itself will be carried in the inaugural procession by Bodley’s librarian and accompanied by the current Abbess of Medingen to the lectern. It will be on display (securely under glass!) during the drinks in the splendid room 2 of the Taylor Institution, right under the bust of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

The drinks reception at 4pm is sponsored by the German Embassy.

No registration is needed for the Inaugural Lecture and the drinks reception on Thursday.

The poster shows from that manuscript the hands of God writing the world as illustration for Psalm 19:2 “the works of his hands” made famous by Joseph Haydn’s creation („die Himmel erzählen die Ehre Gottes und die Feste verkündigen seiner Hände Werk“ resp. Vulgata 18:2 …opera manuum eius).

We’re very much looking forward to Prof Lähnemann’s address and look forward to seeing some of you there.